Monday, November 5, 2007

Method acting

This weekend I have carried out some very valuable acting excercises.

Last night I researched the feelings of being very drunk on several bottles of Taittinger. I now have the sense memory of wanton drunkeness. I feel this will be very useful for improv scenes.

This morning I have researched the feelings of being absolutely and terribly, terribly, terribly hungover. I now have the sense memory of utter sickness and queasiness.

In addition, and this was a great bonus, I have the emotional recall of what I said yesterday.

More work may be required on "chat-up lines" I am afraid.

I seem to have a hazy recollection of saying, and this is just after I intoduced myself;

"I must ask you a question, the answer to which will affect our future conversations this evening. Do you like Bikes?"

I received a negative reply.

I then said, and I cringe to think of this;

"then, madam, you are no further use to me!" and walked off.

So I can add, shame and embarassment to my emotional recall abilities.

I think I can safely say that I shall be single for some considerable time to come.

oh dear

1 comment:

Susanna said...

Classy adam, really :-)
but good experiences to use in future exercises. well, you might want to work on your chat up lines though...