Saturday, September 22, 2007

Going to the theatre

Hi all.

I am planning to arrange a visit to the theatre if there's enough interest.

Midweek, perhaps.

Last Minute . com have a good deal. £20 each including dinner at a nice restaurant!

There's some good plays such as The Last Confession with David Suchet.

have a look on for details.

If you're interested post a comment or call me on 07972506970




... said...

Adam! Sounds great and would love to join, but this week and the following week are already full every evening for me.
I am trying to organise such night out for the week starting 8th October...

I am starting to realise that doing in 3 evenings what I used to do in 5 will be quite an exercise... And that's not counting my desperately trying to find texts to read for Tuesday and Wednesday!!! Just this little task proved not that simple!

Se you all on Tuesday,


Peta said...

Hi Adam. That sounds great. Discuss more tomorrow night? Maybe We should start a regualr thing...once a month? Someone different to select a play each time?


Oliver said...

Here I am blogging.
I've not done it before.
Mmm...very important that we see lots of theatre and going en masse would be very pleasant and, no doubt, instructional. Does anyone know the schedule for the City Lit Rep company performances that we are required to attend?
I am away from the 11th to the 23rd, which also means I miss all of Week Five (and will be wonderfully jetlagged in Week Six).
Worth remembering that we all have to see a play, and write a review of the damn thing, for Nov 21.
Anyway, I'm game.
- O.

Stevie B said...

Would be cool but i am only able to go on sundays due to work, its the only night i have free but if that does not suit everyone else i can just go on my own ty

Anonymous said...


I will go with you on a Sunday.

Can't have you going on your Jack.

I am sure we can get a gang together for a sunday matinee.

Anyone up for that?


David said...

I have just voted for the Women in Black but actually fancied Oliver's suggestion with Mr Suchet

I hope I am not the only one feeling a little tired today, but that's partially because when I got home at 11.30 I had to demonstrate buzz, zap, boing to my beloved

This is my first ever blog so please be gentle with me!