Thursday, October 25, 2007

Wanted! Actors for small production

ThespClub calling! ThespClub calling!

A little birdie told me that we should consider putting on a small scale show of some kind early next year and again in the Summer (before Access)

I am taking the bull by the horns and I'm going to organise something.

I'd like to sound you all out to see who'll be interested in putting on a show. (putting on the rittttzzzz - Oli!)

It may be an evening of Improv or it may be a play or just a few good scenes from our favourite films, for example. What we do is find a location, put it on, funding it ourselves (not expensive if we do it in a pub (there are pubs that cater for this sort of thing) and then we bully all our friends and colleagues to come and see us (paying somthing so we break even and maybe even buy ourselves some booze for the after show party) acting in a real situation in front of a real audience!

I'm not planning a tour just one night.

We'd need to be organised and have rehearsals and actually put a company together (even if it's just six of us)


Mark Phoenix was the progenitor of this in the pub at about half past one this morning and said that what we'd learn from this will WAY exceed what we are learning week to week.

So, if you're up for it.....................


Peta said...

Sounds like a lot of fun. I am in!

Susanna said...

GREAT IDEA!!!Count me in!! :-)

David said...

Sounds like another great idea

... said...

I am definitely IN!
And I know a place where the basement is free for rental (we need to book night etc, as they often have gigs or party), so all we have to do is get organised! This is also a popular place, so people know about events being organised there, and you can advertise in the pub restaurant: THE TROUBADOUR

O-MY-GOD! I am already getting ahead of myself.

Anonymous said...


The company is forming.

Where is The Troubadour?

When shall we meet?

We have Moi, Oli, Pete, Sus, David, Virginie already!

That's 6 and 6 is the magical number needed to make this a GO GO GO!

The Real ThespClub starts NOW!

I suggest a meeting to be arranged so we can as an ensemble decide on the way forward. Peta hasa already come up with an interesting idea so thinking caps on gang!

As Virginie said on Tuesday.......


Susanna said...

Hi again,
Should we meet up next week to get the ball rolling (or something like that...)
Monday? Or Tuesday after classes? I'd prefer Tuesday, because we finish a bit earlier than then on wednesday,I'm a bit of a lightweight at staying awake during he week :->
Can't wait to start with this though!!!


Susanna said...

Me again,
How about hiring the red lion theatre? It does cost £200 for one night, but it could be a nice setting for our 'production'? and the more of us join the Real Thesp club, it wouldn't cost so much per head?

"The Old Red Lion Theatre is a 60 seater fringe theatre primarily dedicated to new writing.

We also rent out out the theatre for one night hires on a Monday night. The cost is £200 and we can provide box office staff, booking facilities, and press and marketing support if required. This is a great way to showcase new work, stage playreadings or create a monthly event. Please call the theatre directly on 020 7833 3053 for more information."

Susanna said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, for Tuesday HOWEVER, I am not sure that David can make it because of his train situation means he'll be rushed, plus, Tuesday after drama might be too short.

I propose MONDAY!

Monday Night Thesp Club?

We could meet at say... 7pm to have our first initial meeting and discussion on venues, procedures, costs, etc.

£200 isn't a lot to recoup and if we charge a tenner, we'll have a great aftershow party! (of course we'll need to persuade some people to come, but hey, if we can't persuade ten people each, I'm a dutchman. For Sure.

That's on the basis on JUST us 6!

If there's 12 then we need 5 people each.

Piece of cake guy, piece of cake.

Central London meeting place?

AND.... has anyone got a good quality video camera? We should document this little project from the start. Be very useful for CV's!

Stevie B will do it too, so we are already the magnificent seven!

We may just have to limit this! Ha ha ha.

Anonymous said...

And i love to gossip after drama anyway.......... miaowwwww

Monday Night all?

Anonymous said...

maybe at the Old Red Lion as it's in EC1 ?

Peta said...

Monday night cool with me too! Great, how exciting!

Susanna said...

Yep, Monday is good at 7pm. where?

Anonymous said...


Inaugural Monday Night Thesp Club will meet this Monday 29th October 2007 for an initial discussion about this project.

We will meet at The Old Red Lion Theatre Pub at 7.00 to discuss this project.

418 St John Street
London EC1V 4NJ

Nearest Tube

19 30 38 43 56 73 153 214 341

There's a nice Prezzo restaurant nearby if anyone wants to eat afterwards, by the way.

I hope someone has a video so we can record it for posterity!

Susanna said...

Perfect, I'll be there!! :-)

Anonymous said...

You've got the right idea guys. I'm in Group 1 so I can't attend on Monday nights anyway - in any case you may prefer to be working with people you know better. But bear me in mind if you need another actor. Sounds like fun!

Anonymous said...

You've got the right idea guys. I'm in Group 1 so I can't attend on Monday nights anyway - in any case you may prefer to be working with people you know better. But bear me in mind if you need another actor. Sounds like fun!

Anonymous said...

how the *!?& did you get your photo to show up?


... said...

I am very frustrated about tonight, I must say...

I will overwhelm you with questions tomorrow, I am awarning you!


... said...

P.S.: I worked out how to get my photo up. The geek in me (an it's huge!) was too intrigued to let it pass...!!!

Anonymous said...


Six actors in search of a character.