Monday, November 5, 2007

Method acting

This weekend I have carried out some very valuable acting excercises.

Last night I researched the feelings of being very drunk on several bottles of Taittinger. I now have the sense memory of wanton drunkeness. I feel this will be very useful for improv scenes.

This morning I have researched the feelings of being absolutely and terribly, terribly, terribly hungover. I now have the sense memory of utter sickness and queasiness.

In addition, and this was a great bonus, I have the emotional recall of what I said yesterday.

More work may be required on "chat-up lines" I am afraid.

I seem to have a hazy recollection of saying, and this is just after I intoduced myself;

"I must ask you a question, the answer to which will affect our future conversations this evening. Do you like Bikes?"

I received a negative reply.

I then said, and I cringe to think of this;

"then, madam, you are no further use to me!" and walked off.

So I can add, shame and embarassment to my emotional recall abilities.

I think I can safely say that I shall be single for some considerable time to come.

oh dear

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Super Troupers

Ollie named us! Super Troupers!

I have researched the following plays this morning. (Work???????????? zzzzzzzzzzz)

Blue Suede Shoes - Diana Raffle. (although set in an old peoples home, the cast performing it around the world are all about our age)

Last Tango In Little Grimley - David Tristram (I REALLY want to do this, but it will involve some re-writing as it's 2M 2F at the moment, could be done though! Ollllllliiiiiiieeeeeeee?????)

In at the Deep End - Derek Benfield

Over my dead body - Derek Benfield

It started with a kiss - John Godber

Perfect Wedding - Robin Hawdon

These, apart from Last Tango, are all 2M4F plays

If you get a chance take a look at them.

If anyone is able to buy a copy by Monday and get some copies made, we may be able to have a little read through.



Thursday, October 25, 2007

Wanted! Actors for small production

ThespClub calling! ThespClub calling!

A little birdie told me that we should consider putting on a small scale show of some kind early next year and again in the Summer (before Access)

I am taking the bull by the horns and I'm going to organise something.

I'd like to sound you all out to see who'll be interested in putting on a show. (putting on the rittttzzzz - Oli!)

It may be an evening of Improv or it may be a play or just a few good scenes from our favourite films, for example. What we do is find a location, put it on, funding it ourselves (not expensive if we do it in a pub (there are pubs that cater for this sort of thing) and then we bully all our friends and colleagues to come and see us (paying somthing so we break even and maybe even buy ourselves some booze for the after show party) acting in a real situation in front of a real audience!

I'm not planning a tour just one night.

We'd need to be organised and have rehearsals and actually put a company together (even if it's just six of us)


Mark Phoenix was the progenitor of this in the pub at about half past one this morning and said that what we'd learn from this will WAY exceed what we are learning week to week.

So, if you're up for it.....................

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hot potato, orchestra stalls, Puck will make amends

For those of you "in the know" this is what must be said if ever the name of the Scottish Play is mentioned.

I won't mention it, BUT a few of us are going to see it next week.

IF you want to see the SCOTTISH PLAY, with Patrick Stewart, then you'd better contact me or Stevie B as soon as possible as we're booking tickets very soon.

If you don't know what the SCOTTISH PLAY is, I'll give you a clue..........

Sounds like......




Remember we're supposed to have seen a play by November, time is running out for SOME of you........

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Greetings from Group 1

Hello fellow actors. I'm an interloper from Group 1 (Adam invited me - blame him). I just wanted to say this is a great idea and remember that you have lovely brother and sister actors in the other groups who also want to share and be loved.

Well they do in my group anyway. Who knows about groups 3 and 4? It's a mystery what goes on in that murky world. There is also a Facebook group for the foundation course. It's got 16 members so far (not all from group 1). Please don't ask me what Facebook is for though. I don't know!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

A graduate of Drama Foundation writes...

Here are some links to a website created by a former student of the Drama Foundation course. The first url talks specifically about his experience with the Endowment Exercise.
The second url is a precis of Uta Hagen's book Respect for Acting.
This guy, Phil Gyford, has a whole section on City Lit on his site, so it might be worth having a little explore if you like what he has to say.

- O.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Christmas Thesp!

Hello Fellow Thesp!

I know it has just turned October, but for time will fly! So, this weekend, I had an inspiration, and thought I would share it with you: what about a Christmas evening for all of us at Thesp??? We could organise it a Tuesday following the last week of this term's courses, Tuesday 11th December: what do you think?

To this point Adam added a clever touch: we could even secure a place, if everyone leaves a £5 deposit (thanks Adam!).

So, what are your thoughts?

XX Virginie

Books to read:

Hi all,
list of books that were mentioned in the class last night, if anyone missed them (and I'm talking to you Adam ;-)) . And please add any that you've read or heard were good ones!

'The Actor Speaks: Voice and the Performer' by Patsy Rodenburg
'The Voice Book: For Actors, Public Speakers and Everyone Who Wants to Make the Most of Their Voice' by Michael McCallion

Books I liked:
'The Actor and the Text ' by Cicely Berry
'Acting in Film' by Michael Caine

See you tonight!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Going to the theatre

Hi all.

I am planning to arrange a visit to the theatre if there's enough interest.

Midweek, perhaps.

Last Minute . com have a good deal. £20 each including dinner at a nice restaurant!

There's some good plays such as The Last Confession with David Suchet.

have a look on for details.

If you're interested post a comment or call me on 07972506970



Thursday, September 20, 2007

What do you all think so far?

Chaps and Chappesses,

I'd really like to know what you all think of the course so far.

I know it's only two days in and there's a long way to go but we should all get stuck in to it as soon as possible.

The more we blend and grow as a group the bigger the results we will get.

Lets make Thesp Club (Drama Foundation Group 2, as was) the best one out of the 4 groups.

There's loads of work to do and lots of fun to be had.

comment away please guys, lets all get to know each other.

If you have a suggestion for a blog question, please feel free to fire away. This blog is for all of us!

If anyone wants to do extra stuff with anyone whilst we are on this journey, here's a good place to do it!

We are all in this together. Lets be AMAZING!



The rules of Thesp Club

#1 - The first rule of Thesp Club is, you do not talk about Thesp Club.

#2 - The second rule of Thesp Club is, you DO NOT talk about Thesp Club.

#3 - If someone says stop, goes limp, taps out, the scene is over.

#4 - Two guys or gals to a scene, minimum unless it's a monologue.

#5 - One scene to be acted at a time.

#6 - No name badges, no shoes.

#7 - Scenes will go on as long as they have to.

#8 - If this is your first night at Thesp Club, you have to Act.